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  • adafurstcoach

Why STRETCH is here?

S T R E T C H – my mindset of continuous personal growth in a self-compassionate way.

Since my last posts I have been asked, how and why did I came up with the

S T R E T C H mindset?

The how is easy. Went for a run. If life would be that easy…

As an HR professional coming from corporate cultures I have often witnessed first-hand how high performance orientation can sometimes lead to burnout, demotivation, lower performance or other unwanted outcomes.

For example promoting a talent just too early, expecting “above and beyond” performance even from “good performers” and the constant overuse of the word challenge to rationalize such situations.

“Challenge” is often used as the synonym for impossible targets to reach, impossible deadlines to be kept, extra responsibilities without being really ready and trained for it just to fill a gap in the organization suddenly etc.

While I am pro-growth and I do believe that magic does happen outside of our comfort zones, I also believe in gradual steps. Even more so in the current era of rising burn-out cases and the “great resignations”. Employee wellbeing, company and leadership culture has never been so important. I welcome to see this paradigm shift.

The main point of S T R E T C H is to grow gradually by being out of our comfort zones in a gentle way – without unnecessary frustrations and pressure.

My S T R E T C H mindset and each of its elements are here to address this current people centric paradigm shift where business results are fostered by prioritizing culture, employee wellbeing and learning ability. S T R E T C H is linking the important pillars of this shift with the human element, when people are our biggest asset is truly embraced. S T R E T C H is great method on individual, team and organization levels as well.

Check out the S T R E T C H video now!

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